Dear Friends & Fans:
On vacation last month in Myrtle Beach, I realized the definition of Heaven. It’s having little arms wrapped around you, and a sweet little voice saying, “I love you, Grandma.” It’s a snuggly little blond toddler giggling and trying to take the glasses off your face. It’s…being a Grandma.
I feel so blessed, getting to spend a whole week at the beach with Luke and Zealand. (And also with Frank, Leah and Zac.) It had been a whole two months since I’d seen the boys, and you know how much a child can grow in two months. Of course, the week went by too fast, as it always does, and soon enough, we were saying goodbye—and for the week after we got home, I suffered baby withdrawal. Luckily, though, I’ll be seeing them again later this month when I go down to South Carolina to attend the South Carolina Writers Workshop conference. I’ll spend an extra few days in Charleston afterwards. (What kind of grandmother would I be if I went within two hours of my grandsons and didn’t go see them?)
I’ve got lots of exciting news this month. As you know, if you read the post I sent out in mid-September, TANGO’S EDGE is now available in print—and I’m really excited about that. Call me old-fashioned, but there is nothing like holding a REAL book in your hands…especially if it’s one that has your name on it. Although TANGO’S EDGE has been available on Kindle and Nook for several months now, I guess it didn’t really feel “real” to me until I could actually hold the book in my hands. If you haven’t seen my book trailer yet, you should check it out, because I just love it!
Romance reviewer, Harriet Klausner, has this say about TANGO’S EDGE in her . “Tango's Edge is a strong romantic suspense thriller starring two likable lead characters, a super support cast, and a powerful world stage ice dancing background. The story line contains more twists and spins than a dance routine…”
Other good news—LILY OF THE SPRINGS is coming out in print and on Kindle in November. This is the book set in the 50’s and 60’s, inspired by my mother’s life growing up in Kentucky. I’ve waited a long time to share this story with you, and I just know you’re going to love it.
And even more good news—I’m going to reissue all my out-of-print books, the ones that are available at Kindle, in print, every couple of months until they’re all available once more. Buying back my rights from my New York publisher was the smartest thing I’ve ever done! Now, I’m back in control of my work, and it feels great!
Congratulations to Joan Woods of St. Petersburg, Florida, the winner of my September website contest. Be sure and enter this month’s contest. You could win a copy of TANGO’S EDGE.
Have a great October. (How can it possibly be October already?)
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