Hello Friends & Fans!
March was a whirlwind of a month for me, so that’s why I’m late in getting my newsletter out this month. Early in the month, we went to Destin, Florida for a week’s vacation. I might’ve mentioned in my previous newsletters that Destin is where my daughter, son-in-law and precious grandsons moved to in February. Before you start thinking that we should’ve given them more time to settle in before we visited, let me just say our plans for Destin were made ten months ago. It was sheer luck that Leah and Zac moved to where we were vacationing. An added benefit to us, getting to spend the week with Luke and Zealand.
I celebrated my birthday there, and the best present of all was when Luke spontaneously sang “happy birthday” to me, even though he’d just awakened from a nap, and was still half-asleep. The week went by way too fast, and as always, it was difficult to say goodbye to my boys. But I plan on visiting them again in June.
As you know, my new novel, LILY OF THE SPRINGS, came out on March 21st. I’m so excited about this book because (also as you know) so much of it was inspired by my late mother’s life. I sure wish she were here to read it. If any of you would like to choose it for your book club discussion, I’ll be happy to “appear” at the meeting, either via phone or Skype (or, of course, in person, if you’re in Northern Virginia.) At the end of the book, there are two pages of suggested questions for discussion. Just e-mail me at CaroleBella2001@yahoo.com and let me know when your meeting is.
Other than the excitement of my visit with the grandsons and the publication of LILY, I had another exciting event in March. I mentioned it in my last newsletter—the USO Dinner Show to raise money for disabled veterans. We had it last Saturday night, and it was AWESOME!!! The place was decorated beautifully with round tables covered with white linen and royal blue drop cloths sprinkled with gold stars. I had a blast singing Karen Carpenter’s “Merry Christmas Darling,” Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots are Made for Walking” and Marilyn Monroe’s “Santa Baby.” The show was sold out, and people were turned away at the door! I’m hoping this means the show will be an annual event, and I definitely want to participate. I love performing! Too bad I discovered this so late in life! (As soon as I have videos and pictures, I’ll share them.)
Congratulations to Amber Bateman from Nokesville, Virginia, the winner of my March website contest. Be sure and stop by my website and enter this month’s contest. www.CaroleBellacera.com.
I hope all of you have a wonderful April and a Happy Easter!
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